Wolastoqey Delegation at the Annual General Assembly of Quebec Native Women


On December 9th 2021, Wolastoqiyik women met during a Zoom meeting following the request made by Quebec Native Women (QNW) to elect the new representatives of our community. Elected for a three-year mandate, Marie-Claude Aubin was elected as the Elder representative, Lisa-Maude Aubin Bérubé as the Youth representative and Catherine Desjardins as the new representative on the board of directors of QNW.

It is with enthusiasm that these women participated in the Annual General Assembly of Quebec Native Women on the 4th and 5th of December 2021, in Tio’tià :ke (Montreal). Two other Wolastoqiyik delegates also participated to the assembly, Mélanie Brière and Ariane Desjardins. Our delegation presented a resolution, mandating QNW to organize gatherings between women of each nation and therefore create opportunities to exchange on different initiatives and on knowledge about healing.

The Wolastoqey delegation of the Wahsipekuk community participated to the elections of the new president of QNW Marjolaine Étienne, the vice-president Gabrielle Vachon-Laurent and the secretary-treasurer Sonia Chachai. Our group had the opportunity to meet amazing women from the territory’s 9 nations and celebrated the previous president, Viviane Michel. While every woman was waiting for the results of the elections, our delegation sang a drumming song; it was an emotional moment for all of us. We were also able to put forth our language and speak in Wolastoqey Latuwewakon when we introduced ourselves.

Women of the Wahsipekuk community who wish to be involved with QNW and learn about their programs and activities are invited to become members of the association. Go to https://faq-qnw.org/en/ and click on ‘’Be active’’ to subscribe. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Text: Catherine Desjardins , Representative of QNW board of directors 



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